Exams are one of the most stressful periods that our teens can go through and with all the pressure surrounding their results, your teen can easily get upset about things. Here are few things that are best not said to your teen during this stressful time:
Negative predictions
Your teen is very much aware that their exams are a lot sooner than they would like them to be, so uttering phrases such as “you’ll kick yourself in August” or “you won’t get into college with this carry on,” will not motivate them - if anything it will do the opposite.
With negative warnings, you’ve already planted an image of failure in your child’s head that they might not see any point in attempting to study in the first place. Instead of laying out negative predictions, talk to your teen about why they’ve hit a road block in their study plans and how to help them overcome it.
Disapproving looks
They might have spent too much time online or watching TV, but a disapproving look is not going to help motivate your teen.
Comparing siblings
This is something a lot of parents and even some teachers might say and be completely unaware of the damaging effect it can have on some teenagers. By comparing your children’s academic work to one another with phrases such as “why, your sister got her act together” and “your brother did well in Maths, you should too,” will not help your child’s study in the slightest. Even if these things are said out of frustration, it will just further create insecurities for your teen.
Some argue that suggesting a laptop or a car for good exam results can be a great motivational tool to help your teen study, but it doesn’t send the greatest message when it comes to your teen’s academics. Your teen’s own grades should be award enough after years of hard work and study.
“Shouldn’t you be studying?”
Yes, your teen is probably taking way too many study breaks, but keep in mind that revision for exams can be one of the most stressful and difficult jobs out there. It requires all of our effort and attention and it’s understandable why your teen is probably taking a lot more breaks than they should. But instead of questioning your teen on their study schedule, why not talk to them about what is causing them the most difficulty and how to help them overcome it.

