Meals are a great time to check in with your family. Studies have shown that people who frequently eat dinner with their family consume more fruits and vegetables and less fried foods, saturated fats and trans fats than others who rarely eat dinner with family.By choosing carefully, you can enjoy the food you love while still meeting recommended daily dietary allowances for nutrients. Try having a burger with a side salad rather than a portion of chips or if you’re having a pizza, try a few slices with a large salad. Try to avoid making fried foods part of your regular dinner meals, instead opt for grilled or baked alternatives.
Make sure to include carbohydrates, some protein and plenty of salad or vegetables. Have a glass of water, unsweetened fruit juice or low fat milk to complete the meal rather than a soft drink.
New ingredients for your favourite old recipes:
• Spaghetti bolognese with additional mushrooms, grated carrot, red peppers and sweetcorn
• Omelette with chopped asparagus and peas, with oven chips or sweet potato wedges
• Chicken or prawn curry with plenty of added vegetable and basmati rice
Read more: How to read a nutrition label