Why there’s no need to complicate your children’s snacks

In today’s world when we are constantly being told we need to do this, or need to buy that for our kids to live healthy and fulfilled lives, it can be hard to see beyond the noise to what they really need: Love, care and a good diet.

Parent guilt can be very real when it comes to food, because we’re being constantly bombarded with images of mummy influencers and various nutrition internet ‘experts’ claiming that whatever we feed our kids is wrong – gluten-free, dariy-free, vegan – it can be hard to keep up these days.

So why not go back to basics? To the most essential of nutrients that our children need – the humble apple.

The perfect in-between-meals snack, apples are high in energy and natural sugar as well as vitamins, provitamins and minerals – which is not something that all those ‘gluten-free’ ‘vegan’ ‘free-range’ products can claim.

It’s also totally eco-friendly, because it’s locally sourced and it’s packaging is simply it’s skin! A large part of the vitamins and secondary plant substances in the apple, such as the valuable polyphenols, are located directly under the skin, which is why it’s best to eat apples simply as they are - unpeeled. However, you should wash the apple thoroughly before eating it, even organic apples, like Biosüdtirol apples that are much less contaminated with pesticides than conventionally produced apples.

Aside from their own natural packaging, Biosüdtirol apples are packaged in grass paper and in home-compostable bags – all plastic-free, of course.


Biosüdtirol even have some pro tips for parents feeding apples to their young children: Smaller apples are preferable to larger ones - not only because they fit better in children’s hands, but because they contain more skin than the larger ones. So it’s actually better they have two small ones than one big one. Larger surface area of the shell for the same weight, means greater storage capacity for healthy ingredients!

Biosüdtirol does not produce only apples, but organic apples. Apples grown in the most natural way with the aim to grow the most natural product. Organic apple growing is really very simple: instead of synthetic chemical treatments and fertilisers, they only use products made from natural ingredients and organic fertilisers.

Biosüdtirol’s organic apples grow in the mountains, where the sun shines 300 days every year, the climate is mild, the water is clear and the air is clean. Biosüdtirol’s family farms have an average of 3.4 hectares, an area smaller than five football pitches, so they don’t go for high volume harvests and care for each tree with their own hands throughout the year, from apple blossom to harvest!

Children’s snacks don’t need to be complicated – block out the noise and stick with what we know is good for them, clean, honest food.


Brought to you by

Biosüdtirol’s organic apples are available nationwide at Dunnes Stores


