Later on in life, your child’s special gifts will probably stand him or her in very good stead. However, at preschool age, and even later, it can be harder for gifted children at school and at home. Here are a few ideas you can use to make things a little easier. 

First of all, you will want to look out for signs of giftedness. These aren’t necessarily easy to spot, so you may want to look at the signs of gifted children, or speak to your child’s doctor or a psychologist for confirmation.

Stimulation is important to your gifted child’s development, so you may also want to ask about what you should be doing at home, and what your child’s school should be doing to help your child develop. 

Remember that gifted children are often teased and taunted by their peers, so you want to keep a close eye out for bullying, and speak to your child’s teacher if necessary. 

Another good idea is to find out if there are other gifted children in your area, and connect with their parents. You could even arrange play dates for children of a similar age.

While your child may seem very clever, and you may worry that you are not as necessary, remember that you are still your child’s parent and caregiver, and very important in his or her life. 

