Numeracy skills become increasingly formal during this time as children try to work out various mental and written strategies to solve problems.

Children aged 7-8 usually can:

• Place in order, read and write numbers up until 999 by the age of eight.

• Understand the number line and can use this to develop mental counting strategies.

• Can skip count to 100 and identify the pattern used for example, counting by twos or fives.

• May still be having difficulty learning to name a specific number in the hundreds, for instance, “What number comes after 184?”

• Mostly understand that 10 x 1 is the same as 1 x 10.

• Understand that 2 +4 = 4+2. Children aged 8 can usually understand that 3+4+5 also equals 3+9.

• Understand fractions using the terms halves and quarters. This can be used in real life situations such cutting a cake in quarters or sharing a chocolate bar.

• Can understand that a quarter is the same as a half that has been halved again.
Read more about mathematics milestones for 9-10 year olds here.

