Was this an overreaction or was she justified?
There was an incident in a playground in Sydney yesterday when a man tried to take someone else’s child out of a swing.
A mum had been pushing her young daughter, about two-years-old, in the swing when a man approached her with his own baby son.
He told the mum he was waiting for the swing, to which she replied they would be finished in another five minutes. The dad wasn’t happy about this, and tried to stop the swing and take the little girl out.
The mum then called the police.
Elaine Stack, owner of children’s boutique Nell & Oll, witnessed the scuffle and wrote on her Facebook page about what happened.
“I was just at the park & the police arrived. Seemingly a Mother was pushing her little girl on a swing when a Father approached & said he was also waiting for the swing.”
“The Mother replied that they would be another 5 minutes or so. The Father proceeded to stop the swing in motion & tried to lift the daughter out!”
“The Mother was very upset & called the police. Another parent in the park thought this was a little over board.”
“What would you do?!? Would you call the police?”
The police arrived at the scene and warned the man that he shouldn’t handle other people’s children. However no one was charged, and the police did not take the issue further.

