They are still too young to really understand the whole Santa experience, but that won't stop toddlers embracing the season as much as their older sibling, especially when presents are involved. Unfortunately, they are quite limited when it comes to writing their list to Santa – Mum and Dad tend to get involved to spoil their fun.
However, if given half the chance, we’re sure your little one would put the following on their list, if they could.
1. Large brown box
With nothing inside – it’ll become a spaceship and a café all in one day!
2. A musical toy that has no off switch
And plays over and over and over again... Really loudly!
3. Very expensive lipstick
So they can draw masterpieces on the walls and carpet!
4. At least two rolls of toilet paper
To unravel in its entirety, right before someone calls over...
5. A tub of butter
To enjoy after dinner.
6. A mobile phone
Preferably one that belongs to Mum - it would make a fantastic toilet submarine...
7. Bubble wrap
To roll and jump all over – this one sounds like it could be fun for the whole family.
8. The chance to eat snow
Oh how they can dream.
9. Shoes that light up
Preschool is just not the same if you have to wear boring black school shoes...
10. A scissors
To re-style their beautiful golden locks with...