Exams are a very stressful time for your child. As the study piles up, their stress levels, and yours of course, will start to rise also.
Here are ten things you should say to your child to help keep them stay motivated without them losing the plot. Some of them may sound a little cheesy, but your child will really appreciate you saying them.
"Believe in yourself"
If they don’t believe in themselves no one else will. While studying hard is the key to a successful mark, a lot can be said for positive thinking.
"Just do it"
Encourage them to stop wasting time worrying about how much study they have to do and tell them just to do it. Your youngster will probably look for every excuse possible not to study but this might just be the key to finally getting them to put their head down.
“Don’t panic”
Panicking won’t help, especially if they have a pile of study to get through. Encourage them to take deep breaths and focus on the task at hand, not how much needs to be done. There will always be loads to do.
“Go for a walk”
Exercise will help your son or daughter clear their head and take their minds off the books for a little while. A change of scenery will do a world of good and going for a walk or run will relieve stress and boost energy.
“Have a break”
This may be met with a very loud “I DON’T HAVE TIME FOR A BREAK” but still give it a try. It is easy for your little one to lose concentration when they have been sitting there for a while and when this happens their study attempts will be in vein.
“Do you need anything?”
Only ask this if you are prepared for the barrage of items, especially sweets, that your child needs right now.
“Do you need any help?”
It’s hard to study when the rest of the household is watching telly. Asking your child if they need help will show them that they are not doing it alone. You can ask them revision questions, quotes, sums etc.
“It’ll be over soon”
Give your child some perspective on their exam because it will all be over soon enough. Although this might cause them to feel a little more stressed, so use this at your own discretion.
“What are you studying today?”
Engage your child in conversations about their study as they may start to feel slightly isolated stuck behind a desk for hours on end.
"I know you'll do great"
Knowing that you have faith in their ability may be the kick they need to start thinking positively.