While there are plenty of huge influencers in our kids lives – teachers, peers, friends- it is so important we recognise the role we play as parents.


From teaching them life lessons to guiding them through difficult times, being a mum is incredibly tough – something most of us know all about.


However, by doing a few things in front of your kids, rather than telling them, you will be teaching them a lot more. 


Here are ten things you need to do in front of your children every day.


1. Be affectionate towards your partner

This is so important for showing your kids what being in a healthy and affectionate relationship actually means. As they grow they will take the image of you hugging your other half with them into adulthood.


2. Say please and thank you

One of the best ways to teach your child manners is to show them how to be polite. Saying please and thank you to everyone you meet will show your kids how they are expected to behave. 


3. Compliment yourself             

Stand in front of the mirror and say out loud: “I’m beautiful”. While the media plays a huge role in shaping your child’s perception of what is beautiful or not, teaching them from a young age that everyone is beautiful will help them guard themselves against this.




4. Appreciate the work of someone else

Whether you have walked past a beautiful garden or are admiring a famous painting, show your child the right way to appreciate things.


5. Handle a conflict responsibly 

Whether it’s a fight with your partner or someone else, it is important you handle it responsible so your child knows what to do in that kind of situation.


6. To disagree, with good reason

It is ok to disagree with someone, as long as there is good reason. Teach your child to have their own opinions and mind.



7. To apologise

We all get it wrong from time to time but taking responsibility for it and saying sorry is something all kids needs to learn.


8. Compliment someone else

Everyone loves a compliment and even a small one can go a long way.


9. Act silly

Don’t take life too seriously, otherwise no one will be able to enjoy it. Dance on the streets, blow bubbles in the garden or just mess around with your kids to show them how to have fun.


10. Read

Finally, one of the most important things you should do in front of your kids is read a book. Not only a great way to escape, books also teach kids things they would never learn without them.




