It can be challenging raising a son who is thoughtful and well-rounded. Some boys can be slow to pick up social graces and can be more interested in video games and cartoons than real people. Some are so boisterous that they have a hard time focusing.
Read our tips on how to help your son become a confident, happy and thoughtful young man:
Trust him with some responsibilities
Showing your child that you trust him to follow out a task is one of the best things you can do to ensure he grows up to be a well rounded individual. Small tasks can make a vast difference, ask your preschooler to bring you a spoon to help stir the cake mixture.
Encourage him to show emotion
Boys are often encouraged to be stoic and swallow their tears while girls are granted free rein with their emotions. It’s important that when your son gets upset he knows he can show his feelings. Help him to identify his feelings, whether he’s hurt, angry or sad.
Give him plenty of physical affection
Research has shown that parents have less physical contact with boys than they do with girls. But boys also need to be held and cuddled. Hugs from mum and dad will help your son feel safe loved. When they reach the teen years, boys won’t want hugs or kisses when people are around, so take advantage of time spent together to give him a quick hug.
Let him blow off steam
Boys tend to have lots of excess energy so encourage him to run, play sport and use up some of this energy.
Don’t worry if he isn’t the typical definition of masculine
It’s important to remember that a little boy who is sensitive and likes to play with teddy-bears is also developing skills needed later in life.
Give him chances to develop his social skills
Many boys don’t form intimate friendships as easily as girls. They’re more likely to play in groups as opposed to having one-on-one friendships. Help your son to strengthen friendships by encouraging play dates and sharing of toys.
Try to encourage a love of music
Playing a musical instrument can improve memory, give a sense of accomplishment and sharpen thinking skills.
Encourage his interests, whatever they may be
If your son wants to learn how to dance, you should always encourage him even if you think his friends will tease him. This can be difficult but if you offer your support, this will encourage him to accept other people’s differences.
Get involved at school
Keep an active eye on your child’s homework without doing the work for him and encourage him to read every day.
Praise the positive
Boys are more likely to be boisterous and misbehave than girls so as a result they plenty of scolding, particularly in the classroom. Make sure that you pay attention to good behaviour too!