The terrible twos are real. Very, very real.


And while you may have had two years to prepare yourself for them, nothing and we mean nothing that you could have done will ever mean you are ready for what’s about to come!


So, before you have a meltdown or lock yourself in the bathroom, take note of the following tips:


1. Breathe

It helps when you count to ten slowly. Very slowly.



2. Know it’s not forever

Soon it will become the terrible-threes, fours, fives...



3. Be prepared

Always be prepared for a tantrum so you’re not caught off-guard – you need to have your game-face on at all times.  



4. Pack a bag of bribes

Sweets, toys and even books all come in handy when things start to get a little rough – you can call them 'gentle persuasions' if you are a little adverse to the term 'bribe'.



5. Call in reinforcements

Granny always knows how to cope when your little one gets a little out of hand, don't they? They are also good at hanging on to your poor mite when you are going out – helping you avoid scenarios that create tantrums since 2014. 



6. Put them in the shopping centre crèche

Cut out the tantrum creator from the onset.



7. Send them up to bed sooner

For your own sanity just as much as to deal with your child’s exhaustion.  



8. Find patience (somewhere)

Trust us, it’s in there somewhere. Somewhere.



9. Ignore them

If all else fails simply ignore them. Easier said than done, we know but, hey, there’s no harm in trying.



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