Getting our kids up in the morning is definitely the stuff of nightmares – you’re rushing, they’re slow; you're grumpy, they’re grumpy.  Not a great way to start the day.


Thankfully we are here to help, and, hopefully, our top ten things to say and do to get your little ones up out of bed will work.


Have all their clothes on the radiator

They’ll definitely be more inclined to get up if they know that warm clothes await them.


Tell them you think it’s snowing

It’s been doing the trick for us so far. Obviously this won’t work in the summer, but can always try it.


Have their favourite breakfast ready

Let them pick what they would like to eat in the morning the night before - definitely an incentive to get up.


Sing a song

Sing them a song whether you have a note in your head or not. Your kid is more inclined to get up if there is a pleasant atmosphere, so skip the nagging.


Turn on the lights

It’s hard to go back to sleep when the lights are on.


Remind them that they have something exciting planned

Even if they don’t, make going to school seem a little more exciting than they think.


Wake them up with a ‘good morning’ rather than a ‘get up, you’re late’

Nobody likes to be awoken by a person shouting at them, so play nice.


Send them to bed earlier

Getting up in the morning might be a struggle for your child simply because they are tired and need more sleep, so send them to bed earlier.


Set an alarm clock and put it out of reach

Make sure your little one has to get up out of bed to turn off their alarm. This will stop them putting it on snooze, hopefully.


Make lots of noise

It’s pretty difficult to roll back under the covers when there is an awful lot of noise going on in the kitchen.


