10-year-old Alex Featherston has touched Ireland as a nation this week after appearing on Ireland AM to discuss her mum’s decision to tell her about her dad’s suicide four years ago.
When Alex’s dad, Andy Morgan, committed suicide on New Year’s Eve in 2010, her mum originally told her he had suffered a heart attack. Later, she told her the truth, explaining: “Every time I’d go to say it, I couldn’t and then I’d be thinking of my parents because they’d probably be the old fashion way of you can’t tell them and you’re fighting yourself thinking am I doing the right thing? ... The relied [I felt] afterwards, even though I felt I was taking some of her childhood and her innocence away.”
Alex, her mum and their family have now set up the The Andy Morgan Foundation to help and support people who are suffering a similar tragedy.
Joanne later took to her Facebook page to thank those who have supported her and Alex, and their message: “It’s so lovely reading through your comments... the amount of support shown to me and my family has been amazing.”
Many people around the country have now showed their support for Alex with the hashtag #isupportalex going viral across social media outlets.
What a brave mum and daughter.