Ensuring your child knows just how much they are loved by you is definitely one of the most important things you can do. Unfortunately, in today’s hectic world, it is easy to become so preoccupied with work, household chores, and activities that we go through life simply assuming our kids know.
It doesn’t take much to show them that they are your world and that you love them with every ounce of your being; here are 25 things you can do to get you started:
- Leave them a note in their lunch box telling them to have a good day.
- Cut their sandwiches into funny shapes.
- Draw a funny picture and leave it in their coat pocket for them to unexpectedly find.
- Put your phone down when you are with them.
- Praise them at every chance you get.
- Ask them about their day.
- Tell them about your day.
- Make up a song together and sing it whenever you want.
- Ask them their opinions.
- Forgive them – we all make mistakes and holding a grudge just creates tension.
- Spend time one-on-one, particularly if you have more than one child.
- Cheer them on at their matches.
- Get involved in their extracurricular activities.
- Encourage them to try something new
- Be there when they are afraid to try something new.
- Introduce them to new places and cultures.
- Talk about your own life when you were growing up.
- Share things with them.
- Play with them – get down to their level and simply play with them.
- Tell them you love them, every day.
- Focus your attention on them when they are talking to you – avoid multitasking.
- Shower them with plenty of kisses.
- Always keep your promise – If you said you’d take them to the park, do it.
- Be kind to them and say please and thank you.
- Never interrupt them when they are talking to you.