It's always tough for parents to see their little ones in pain and teething can cause a lot of discomfort for toddlers. 
Here are six ways you can make the process a little easier for your child:
Rubbing Their Gums: Lightly massage your toddler's gum with a clean finger to soothe and alleviate some of their discomfort.
Chewable Food: Give your toddler a sugar-free teething biscuit or unsweetened rusk to help them manage the pain.
Cold Foods: Cold (not frozen) food such a chilled yoghurts or fruit puree can help to numb the pain.
Teething Gel: Teething gels applied to the gums with a clean finger can provide fast-acting and targeted relief. Try to make sure you choose products that are sugar and colour-free.
Infant Medicine: Age-appropriate medicine designed for toddlers can relieve excessive teething pain.

