Not everyone is born with a natural inclination towards sports, but saying that it is definitely something that can be encouraged and even grown to love.


As a parent, it is up to you to introduce your child to the wonderful world of fitness and sports, not just their physical health but their mental health as well.


The earlier you start the better for your little one, and the following six tips will help you positively introduce your toddler to fitness.


1. Be a good role model

It is important that you SHOW your child just how much fun being fit and active is. Play football, grab a jump rope or even get the chalk for hopscotch – whatever you do make sure you are having fun without feeling the need to stick to rules. Remember, if you are having fun then your little one will too.



2. Show them how you workout

If you are keen on the gym or you prefer to go for a run, make sure your little one SEES you before you go or after you come back. Normalising fitness in the home means your little one will see it as being a a part of everyday life – encouraging them to lean more towards it. 



3. Avoid associating it with weight loss or diet

Maintaining good fitness should never be associated with being thin or losing weight, especially when it comes to kids. Make it about being healthy and having fun and your little one enjoy it a lot more.



4. Don’t make them do anything

The last thing you want is for your child to burn-out from sports before they have even reached the pre-teens years, so never force them to do anything they really don’t want to do. While you should encourage them to be as active as possible every day, you are not running a bootcamp. Think fun, fun, fun! 



5. Be realistic about what you encourage your child to do

Just because you were/ are mad into tennis or soccer doesn’t mean your little one will be. However, that’s not to say they won’t be into gymnastics or even ballet; let them discover what it is they love by introducing them to a wide variety of activities.



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