Toddlers are cute and we absolutely adore them, but yes, sometimes they do drive us up the wall. 


Whether it's because they are constantly calling you ("Mum, Mum, Mum, Mum....") or they are just under your feet, there are plenty of things you can do when you feel yourself getting annoyed. 


1. Give them something to play with

Handing them a toy will instantly stop them in their tracks, and considering most of the times they are annoying you is because you are busy and they are bored, this should be your first port of call.


2. Tell them that they are annoying you (but not so bluntly!)

If their whining or moaning is causing you to want to pull your hair out, say: "I can't understand you when they are speaking like that."



3. Play with them

Most of the times our toddlers drive us mad is because they just want our attention - even if it's negative. Give them an hour of your undivided time and they will be happy, and so will you.


4. Speak to them calmly

There is no point giving out to them - this will just make a bad situation worse. Instead, get down to their level and ask them to stop doing whatever it is that is annoying you. Stay calm and things will get better, trust us.


5. Check yourself 

What are they doing that is really annoying you? If you are trying to get too much done in one day, you'll never be able to give them the attention they not only crave, but need. Check your schedule and try to move things around so that you aren't doing the washing while they are looking to play.



6. Slow down

Unless you are working on a tight work deadline, the world won't fall apart if you slow down. In fact, you will feel a HUNDRED times better if take your time and don't try to fit a million things into 24 hours. 


7. Go to bed early 

Think about what it is that your toddler is doing that is really annoying you? If it is more down to the fact that you are just feeling irritable, then you should consider heading to bed a little bit earlier - yes, the problem may be as simple as you not getting enough shut-eye. 


8. Breathe

Remember, they are only children and don’t really know that they are annoying you!


SHARE if you've been there! 


