Sleeping is one of the most important things when it comes to childhood development. But unfortunately, getting kids into bed, never mind asleep is one of the toughest parts of the day.


And while you might struggle to understand why they aren’t settling for the night, the following reasons are pretty common and may shed some light on any problems.


They are going down too late

Rather than making them more tired, keeping your little one up late is counterproductive because it causes them to become overtired and they'll struggle to settle. The right bedtime for your little one is definitely a case of trial and error so this might take a bit of time before you have it nailed down.


There is inconsistency in their routine

Kids thrive on consistency so try to stick to your little one’s routine as much as possible. If you are putting them down at different times each evening or are allowing them fall asleep in your arms one day and expect them to settle into sleep in their own bed the next night you are just going to confuse them.


They are overstimulated

There needs to be some downtime before your youngster is put to bed for the night. A story or a quiet game away from the TV and hustle and bustle of the house can help them to relax a bit. If possible, a soothing routine like a bath and a story can work wonders to help your child settle a lot easier.


You are stressed

It is important that you try to leave your own stress outside of your child’s room or at least away from the bedtime routine. Kids can pick up on their parent’s anxiety and they will be unable to settle, thus prolonging their bedtime.


They’re hungry/ thirsty

If your little one is hungry or thirsty they won’t be able to settle easily. If their dinner is in the early afternoon, a snack before bed might help with hunger pangs, and remember to give them a drink if they need it. 


