Back to school...mum style! 5 stress-free tips for going back to education after having kids

Slow down.

Motherhood and college life CAN go hand in hand. Unfortunately, returning to education after having a baby can often remain just a thought for some,  but we are here to remind you that learning as an adult doesn't have to be complicated. 

The logistics CAN be sorted out, the feelings of confidence WILL come, and scheduling your life around education IS possible (with a bit of clever organisation). 

Here are our top tips for those thinking about re-entering the workplace after having children:

1. Slow down

Your mind is racing - all you can see are the obstacles. Who will mind the children? How will they cope at mealtimes without you? Who do I think I am? This is all perfectly normal and surmountable. You have chosen to do something that is important to you, to help you grow as a person, or to further your career. This will work - you just have to keep believing that. Take one issue at a time and you will manage to overcome all the obstacles and get that job you have always wanted.

2. You're setting a great example

You are showing your children that you have goals and you plan to achieve those goals. You are showing them that your aims are important and that self-respect will rub off on those little ones. Imagine how proud they will be! For those who have been home-makers until now, this can be even more daunting. It is worth checking out Springboard which has opened courses with this in mind to help you upskill! 

3. Hush the inner gremlin

You need to practice telling yourself that what you are doing is a wonderful thing for you, and YOU CAN DO THIS - even if you feel out of your depth (you will for a bit). This is something you have not happened upon lightly - you have thought about the decision to go back to get a qualification for a long time, and this is your time. Quash those inner doubts  - you've got this.

4. You're a lot more responsible now!

Think about it, your schooling in the past probably never thrilled you much. Now, this is a choice you have made, so you are much more likely to succeed because this is where you WANT to be at this moment in your life. 

5. Pride

Whatever reason you have chosen to make the decision to return to college- to earn more money for your family, to prove a point, to get a qualification you can be proud of, to achieve the completion of a difficult course, to retrain in a new industry - just imagine how sweet the reward will be.  

Achieving your goal of returning to college is something many people strive for. Realising that this is something you need to do, for you, is a wonderful first step in your education journey. 

Good luck, mums! 


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It is worth checking out Innopharma, their FREE, government-funded Springboard courses are now open to homemakers and focus on upskilling you for in-demand industries.
For more information check out their website here

