Here are five of the most common one’s for you to celebrate with your child:
Getting in and out of the car by themselves
This is a milestone that warrants a lot of celebration. As it is a gradual change you might not have really noticed that your son or daughter manages to get into their booster seat without any help now - all you need to do is check they’re buckled in correctly. Soon there’ll be no car seat at all - gone are the days of struggling to fit a screaming baby into their seat.
Losing first tooth
A big deal for both you and your child, the very first wobbly tooth is both exciting and scary at the same time – Will it fall out? Will there be much blood? Can they swallow it? And when it finally does dislodge itself from the gum, you can start your tooth fairy tradition.
Learning to read
One of the most impressive milestones for your big child is when they start to read. Nothing makes you prouder than listening to your little one read to you rather than the other way round. Embrace this and shower them with plenty of books to instil a love of reading.
Going into class without you
This one can actually be pretty emotional for mums as they realise their child is no longer a baby. While it can be tough the first time you realise they are independent, there will be plenty of other fantastic things you can do together.
When they ask for privacy
This is a commonly overlooked milestone, as it is just expected. Actually, it is something to be celebrated as it is a sign that your little one is becoming more self-aware. Respect it and don’t try to keep them as babies forever. They will also become more concerned by their appearance and establish their own sense of style.