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hi everyone. me and my hubby are trying for a baby over a year now. we have no luck yet. we gon to fertility place na-pro i think thats how you spell it. we just start a few weeks a go. i would love to talk to someone who at the same stage as i am. all my friends are having babies. i wish it could be me. i work in childcare. babies mad in my head.
Last updated: 25/07/2012 by maryjo to maryjo's Blog
Filed under: Baby
In the news this week, it's been reported that over 300 Irish parents have contacted the US organisers of a children’s beauty pageant in a bid to get them to come over to Ireland, and the organisers have confirmed that they will come here in November. There have been very little other details given as they apparently fear media attention. The organisers have said that the children (from 4...
Last updated: 16/07/2012 by Maximum to Maximum's Blog
Filed under: Kids like ours
hi everyone, i am 15 weeks pregnant and the last week and a half I have had like a stiff neck and dull headache, not all the time but just like niggly pain in my head not in one area it changes, its as if I havent drank enough water ??? I had neck pain before I got pregnant and had mri I have wear and tear on my neck, just worried and wondering should i go to gp or is the headache and stuff...
Last updated: 01/07/2012 by shivy123 to shivy123's Blog
Filed under: Pregnancy
I was wondering if anyone is in the same situ or can offer some advice? This is my first pregnancy. I am 6 weeks pregnant and had my first GP visit yesderday. I had two positive pregnancy tests at home and another in the doctors office yet today for re-assurance i did another (im a worrier!!) which was negative, ive had no morning sickness, boobs arent too sore and ive had cramping and discharge...
Last updated: 29/06/2012 by gaelstara to gaelstara's Blog
Filed under: Pregnancy
My 7year old daughter suffers from the worst mirgraines i have ever seen for as long as i can remember and this is coming from a long time suffer myself. it was only this year after diet elimation and any other little thing i could think of to help for our doctor ( may i add a temp) to recgonise the extent of pain she is going through and we were sent to the hospital where we have gone through...
Last updated: 26/06/2012 by LuvyLollie to LuvyLollie's Blog
Filed under: Health
"You suck" .... are you aware that you tell your kids this all the time? I did once. I would tell them, “You’re fat, unattractive, unloveable. You are not good enough. I wish you looked like that prettier person over there.” Shocked? I’ll bet that you do the same. Every day. And you don’t even know it. Let me explain. That child of yours looks at you like you’re a superhero, right? To...
Last updated: 21/06/2012 by theycallmemummy to theycallmemummy's Blog
anyone knows how to deal with them?
Last updated: 20/06/2012 by evelub to evelub's Blog
Filed under: Toddlers
She's 25, he's 42 ... is it doomed for failure? Mary Kate Olsen (of The Olsen Twins fame) has hooked up with Olivier Sarcozy (half brother to the former French president Nicolas) and there's a 17 year age gap, which I personally think is just too big. When I think back 17 years, I was a completely different person, so purely from the persepctive of how a person changes and grows in...
Last updated: 05/06/2012 by sugarmama to sugarmama's Blog
Filed under: Celebrity Gossip
This is Shirley and Rebecca. Shirley is a trained labrador who stays by 7 year old Rebecca's side so she can detect if Rebecca has a hypoglycemic attack. Suffering for a very aggressive form of Type 1 diabetes, Rebecca doesn't know when an attack is iminient, but her trusty friend does. When Shirley detects the change in Rebecca's blood sugar level, she licks Rebecca's hand until...
Last updated: 05/06/2012 by MumtoMaisey to MumtoMaisey's Blog
Filed under: Kids like ours
The 3 second rule does not exist in my house, if it falls on the floor, it's in the bin, if it's a non food item, it gets scalded, end of. In my friend's house it doesn't matter if it falls on the floor and there is no time limit on it either. Whether it's a food item or not, the approach is based very much based around the 'it's still good' theory. And it makes me...
Last updated: 05/06/2012 by Rachello to Rachello's Blog
Filed under: Just for fun
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