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Recently when watching MTV's hit series "Teen Mom", I realised something. Everybody feels so sorry for the girl's on the show because their lives are so tough, but they don't know the true hardship of being a young mother. Alot of them depend on their parents, one of their parents bought them a house, and another got a breast implant, chin implant, nose job and an apartment in Florida. Seems to me...
Last updated: 08/01/2013 by bethod93 to bethod93's Blog
Filed under: Other
Has anyone tried Wink Shapewear? I just ordered one of their bands and I'm very excited after being told by several friends how great it has made them feel
Last updated: 07/01/2013 by lisapochop to lisapochop's Blog
Filed under: Mums Say Reviews
hi all :) i really hope someone can relate to this and ease my mind...i was at my hosp visit 2 days ago and doc said i have more amniotic fluid than i should have and has scheduled me for a more detailed scan next week to investigate :( im 34+4 and baby measuring 33 weeks....the curiosity got the better of me and i googled ( yes maybe a mistake) but my lord the word POLYHYDROMNIOS kept appearing...
Last updated: 30/12/2012 by danielle to danielle's Blog
Filed under: Pregnancy
HI! Im expecting my first baby in ten weeks and I feel like I still know nothing about babies. I have never really been around babies, am the the first in my group of friends to have a baby and I literally dont know the first thing! I was just wondering if anyone had any advice or has or do feel the same? Because it is a really daunting thing, would be nice to know it wasn't just me :)
Last updated: 11/12/2012 by shizbee to shizbee's Blog
Filed under: Pregnancy
Rightly or wrongly, Christmas adverts clearly place the responsibility of Christmas on mums. Being organised in the kitchen and preparing then sticking to a plan can keep you upbeat no matter what your circumstances. If you are upbeat everything falls into place. This year I was asked by my cookery school students to compile a recipe book with ideas for Christmas family meal times. ’12 Days of...
Last updated: 10/12/2012 by Sian to Sian's Blog
Filed under: Food & Cooking
Hi I'm 26 wks pregnant with twins and already have had to do 3 glucose tolerance tests as every time I go to clinic dere is a trace of sugar in my urine. I rarely eat chocolate and don't drink fizzy drinks or eat sweets or add sugar in any foods. It just seems dat my kidneys under slight pressure and leak a little sugar. However hospital want me to do a 4th glucose tolerance test in 2 wks wen I...
Last updated: 06/12/2012 by Twins1 to Twins1's Blog
Filed under: Pregnancy
So I'm not pregnant again yet, but we have been trying - a lot ;-) We are trying to have fun with it and enjoy ourselves to take the pressure and anxiety and fear out of it. I'm taking it easy and waiting to take a test before the 18th. I also had a fairly scratchy smear test a couple of days ago which has put a halt to things for the time being as I'm still a bit uncomfortable after it. Anyways...
Last updated: 30/11/2012 by Sarah555 to Sarah555's Blog
Filed under: Baby
i got my period on the 13th of this month i had unprotected sex on the 17th and 18th twice on the 23rd then once on the 24th , 25th and 27th ... iv had ovulation pains since monday and still have them they stopped last night but i can feel them again today , also my lower back is seems to be uncomfortable now and again
Last updated: 28/11/2012 by jazzypops12 to jazzypops12's Blog
Filed under: Pregnancy
Hi could anyone offer a bit of advice? Im 5weeks pregnant in my fourth pregnancy, unfortunately my third earlier this year ended in a miscarraige. I have slight discomfort in my lower abdomen although wouldnt describe it as painful or cramp, is this common or has anyone else experienced it? Trying not to get anxious!! Thanks x
Last updated: 22/11/2012 by lboyle to lboyle's Blog
Filed under: Pregnancy
Seriously ... what was he thinking? The police in the UK are searching for this fool ... let's hope they find him soon.
Last updated: 16/11/2012
Filed under: Other
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