Buckling your child into a car seat is a legal requirement, but one that can cause parents and kids the most stress. If your little one is prone to having a few tantrums before and while they are in their car seat, these five tips will, hopefully, help ease the situation for you.
Talk about what they don’t like
Your child might be causing a fuss because there is something about their car seat that they just don’t like. By talking to them you can help ascertain what the issue is and perhaps try to fix it. Use this an an opportunity to explain why they need to be in it. 
Give them independence
Feeling like they are in charge of their own actions can make them feel independent and grown up - which many children strive for. If they can, let them hop into the seat on their own and perhaps buckle the belt – obviously with your supervision.
Limit the number of times they have to get in and out of the car
You know yourself, after you after gotten in and out of the car for the fourth time that day it can be particularly frustrating, and it is the same for your child. Try to limit the amount of trips you need to take and if you do need to run a number of errands perhaps bring another adult who can stay in the car with your child or who will mind them at home. The less times they need to get in and out the better.
Remove items they can throw
During a tantrum, some children can throw things at you, which while sore at the best of times is particularly dangerous when you are driving. To stop this from happening you will need to remove shoes, hats or toys – anything that they might fling towards you.
Never turn your head
If your little one starts to have a tantrum whilst you are in the middle of driving, you must never turn your head to check on them. Wait until you can pull in and then try to calm them down. If you can’t pull in you need to distract them – perhaps start singing - or simply ignore them. While easier said than done, you must always keep your head focused on your driving until it is safe for you to pull over. 

