Dates for your diary: Secondary school holidays 2021/22

It’s time to start making plans again. It’s been over a year of uncertainty and disruption, but this year we’re (hopefully) facing into a very different year. Some of our favourite things are already back for summer, like restaurants, cinemas, gyms and hotels. And soon, international travel will be reopening too, and those of us who can travel safely can be on our way.

And one thing we need to know to make those plans – whether they’re for this summer or later in the year – is what dates our kids are free.

After a year of disruption in schools, we’re hoping everything will run a little more smoothly next year. Which is why it’s helpful that the Irish Department of Education have released a standardised schedule for the holiday breaks for the school year of 2021/22, making it a little easier to look ahead.

person standing near brown concrete wall

It’s important to note that every school is different and may have their own schedule – this is simply what is being advised by the Department.

Schools are required to be open for a minimum of 167 days at secondary level and 183 days at primary level. School summer holidays are not standardised and schools may use discretionary days to determine the precise start and end of the school year.

Schools will normally re-open during the week in which 1st September falls. However, the school year may start in the week prior to that in which 1st September falls if this is necessary in order to meet the overall requirement of a minimum of 167 days at post-primary level or 183 days at primary level.

October 2021 mid-term break

selective focus photography of person holding pumpkin

All schools will close from Monday 25th October 2021 to Friday 29th October 2021 inclusive.

Christmas 2021

All schools will close on Wednesday 22nd December 2021, which will be the final day of the school term. All schools will re-open on Thursday 6th January 2022.

February 2022 mid-term break

Post-primary schools will close from Monday 21st February 2022 to Friday 25th February 2022 inclusive unless changes are required as part of contingency arrangements to make up for time lost due to unforeseen school closures. Where contingency arrangements are required a school authority may reduce the length of the February mid-term break by remaining open up to and including Wednesday 23rd February 2022.

Easter 2022

blue egg on brown nest

All schools will close on Friday 8th April 2022 which will be the final day of the school term, unless changes are required as part of contingency arrangements to make up for time lost due to unforeseen school closures. Where contingency arrangements are required a school authority may reduce the length of the Easter break by remaining open up to and including Wednesday 13th April 2022. All schools will re-open on Monday 25th April 2022.

Start and end dates will depend on various factors and will vary school to school. But there's no harm in grabbing the calendar and starting a little planning - even for a staycation!


