Last time, we discussed some fun activities for daddy and daughter to do, and now it's mum and son time. Here are some great things that mums can use to bond with their little boys:
Craft activities
It can depend on your tot’s age as well as their abilities, but when it comes to activities most little boys love to work with their hands. There are plenty of craft activities that mummies and their sons can do together, which can vary from pottery, to woodwork and painting. These craft activities are not only fun, they are also a great way to strengthen the bond between mother and son.
Sports Events
While this is an opportunity dads may want to jump in on, sometimes, it can be a good idea for mums to go to a sporting event with their son. By showing an interest in your son’s favourite sport, you will not only strengthen your relationship, but it will become a special event that is entirely unique to you and your son.
Special mother and son day
Sometimes it can be important to have a day just for mother and son. It could be going to a museum, a trip to the cinema or a meal, this special day is extremely important to both mum and son.
Whether it’s teaching their son to ride their bike for the first time or going on a much needed cycle day trip, cycling is a big deal to any little tot. So, what better way to form a mother and son to bond than by sharing that special moment with them?
While most mums would prefer to keep their kitchens to themselves, letting their little boys help out in the kitchen can be a great way to bond. Whether it’s another fun hands-on task or they get to see what it's really like for their mum, it can definitely be something that is completely unique to mummy and son.