Each of us had to start off by learning how to form letters properly but there are few adults that still form their letters the way they have been taught. This is because handwriting is an extension of our personality.
Your child at this age will be encouraged to personalise their own handwriting style.
Handwriting styles
It’s important for children of this age to choose a style which is legible and fluent. This will be very important for children particularly when they go on to secondary school where they will have to sit exams and fluent and legible writing is essential.  It’s also important that children develop a style that is pleasing to look at and not difficult to decipher.
Handwriting fluency
Fluency when handwriting is vital to ensure that the hand muscles are being used correctly as this will reduce the likelihood of hand spasms or cramping during exams.
Handwriting fonts

Children of this age are getting used to learning to use a variety of different print and style scripts to emphasise many different effects. They will be able to understand how different fonts can convey a different message.
It’s important to remember that the handwriting style that is adopted at a young age is most likely the style that children will use right through adulthood.


