Reading & Writing
- 'More time is necessary': Junior Cert student calls for extended English exam
- 'Never mind my 4 year old...Am I ready for big school?'
- 'They need all the help they can get': Tipp schools protest 'unfair' Deis decision
- 12 new childrens books this Autumn
- 60% of parents are concerned about their child’s immunity going back to school.
- 64% of mums in Ireland miss work due to everyday childhood illnesses
- 7 benefits of reading for children
- An open letter to Teachers on World Teacher's Day
- Are your kids into creative writing? Check out MoLI in the classroom's autumn courses!
- Attention primary schools: Coillte Photography Competition for National Tree Week 2024 open!
- Back to School routine made simple with ATTITUDE little leaves.
- Be more prepared for busy school mornings with advice from THE top professional organisers
- Book review: Darcy Dolphin is a Little Bit Magic! by Sam Watkins
- Book review: The Anti-Boredom Book of Brilliant Outdoor Things To Do by Andy Seed
- Book review: The Seaside Family by Enid Blyton
- Book worms: 8 classics that all children should read before they reach adulthood
- Boxing clever with these easy, (and healthy) school lunches.
- Build-a-box online for Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal
- Celebrities swap day job to become school teachers this November
- Childs Farm toiletries brand offer exclusive back to school discount with
- Creative writing stars of the future, we've got the PERFECT competition for you
- Dunnes Stores launches Back to School range with pricing starting from just €3!
- Fuelling success: how to strengthen your kids' health for the school year ahead
- Get ready for a new school year with Søstrene Grene’s back-to-school collection
- Get ready for back to school with great value & easy-care uniforms from F&F at Tesco
- Get top marks for Back to School with My Nametags – Ireland’s only antibacterial labels
- Get your little ones Back To School ready with an M&S packed lunch
- Have you spoken to your child about celebrating safely ahead of exam results?
- How to create the perfect study environment for your child
- How to deal with back-to-school stress
- How to encourage your children to be happy feeders
- How to support your child’s immune system
- Iceland is offering a school lunch deal for only €1.22 for back to school.
- Ireland’s National School Photography Awards - Winners Announced
- Ireland’s National School Photography Awards launched
- Irish company launch back-to-school antibacterial name labels
- Jennifer Zamparelli jumps in on the fun for Jump Zone's 10th birthday celebrations
- Limerick & Dublin schools scoop top prizes in Woodie’s Budding Gardeners Competition
- Mental Health charity urges Leaving Cert students to use its services tomorrow.
- New children’s book aimed at explaining the Covid-19 pandemic in a child friendly way
- New Summer Camps launched for under 6’s this July and August
- Opinion: your rights as a non-religious parent in Irish schools
- Our 10 favourite classic books for children
- Safeguarding online environments for young people with Tozi
- School may only just have closed, but Aldi’s School Event kicks off next Thursday!
- will sort your school bag so you can pack your beach bag
- September is coming! 10 tips to encourage your kids to get back into reading after summer
- Showcase your child's team colours with the new range of sports shirt labels from My Nametags.
- Support your children's immunity this Autumn with Wellkid from Vitabiotics.
- The 2022 National School Photography Awards are launched!
- The facts about head lice that you should know about
- The Happy Pear launch 'Fruit Bites' - a delicious new sweet treat
- The inspiring children’s books that need to be on your Christmas shopping list this year
- The No Bulls**t Guide to surviving the (long) summer holidays
- This is how much money Irish children get on their first Holy Communion
- This is why your children LOVE to read the same book over and over again
- This year's Science Week has something to suit all ages and interests
- ‘Our National Anthem’ a new book designed to teach kids our national anthem - for life.
- 'More time is necessary': Junior Cert student calls for extended English exam
- 'Never mind my 4 year old...Am I ready for big school?'
- 10 reasons why reading is important
- 100 books every child should read
- 12 new childrens books this Autumn
- 6 geography books for kids
- 60% of parents are concerned about their child’s immunity going back to school.
- 64% of mums in Ireland miss work due to everyday childhood illnesses
- 7 benefits of reading for children
- An open letter to Teachers on World Teacher's Day
- Are your kids into creative writing? Check out MoLI in the classroom's autumn courses!
- As politics gets nastier, children's books promote empathy
- Attention primary schools: Coillte Photography Competition for National Tree Week 2024 open!
- Back to School routine made simple with ATTITUDE little leaves.
- Be more prepared for busy school mornings with advice from THE top professional organisers
- Book review: Artemis Fowl and the Last Guardian by Eoin Colfer
- Book review: Black Heart Blue by Louisa Reid
- Book Review: City of Fate
- Book review: Darcy Dolphin is a Little Bit Magic! by Sam Watkins
- Book review: Eighteen kisses by Laura Jane Cassidy
- Book review: Fintan’s Fifteen by Alan Nolan
- Book review: Friends Forever: Double Trouble by Judi Curtin
- Book review: Friends Forever: The Time Spell by Judi Curtin
- Book review: Ghost Detectives:The Lost Bride by Emily Mason
- Book review: Jenny Q, Stitched Up! by Pauline McLynn
- Book review: Jenny Q: Unravelled by Pauline McLynn
- Book Review: Kathleen and the Communion Copter
- Book review: The Anti-Boredom Book of Brilliant Outdoor Things To Do by Andy Seed
- Book review: The Seaside Family by Enid Blyton
- Book review: Vroom Town - The adventure of Tim the Tipper in Quentin's Quarry by Emer Conlon
- Book review: Where’s Larry? By Philip Barrett
- Book worms: 8 classics that all children should read before they reach adulthood
- Bookworms, get ready! The Dublin Book Festival starts tomorrow
- Boxing clever with these easy, (and healthy) school lunches.
- Build-a-box online for Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal
- Celebrate Children’s Book Festival and win a book
- Celebrate Seachtain na Gaeilge
- Celebrities swap day job to become school teachers this November
- Childs Farm toiletries brand offer exclusive back to school discount with
- Curiosity could give kids a leg up in academic achievement, study finds
- Dainín boardbook series from Futa Fata
- Dolly Parton's 'Imagination Library' to offer FREE books to children in Ireland
- Dramatic ad shows importance of reading to your children
- Dunnes Stores launches Back to School range with pricing starting from just €3!
- Finding everyday reading moments
- Fuelling success: how to strengthen your kids' health for the school year ahead
- Get ready for a new school year with Søstrene Grene’s back-to-school collection
- Get ready for back to school with great value & easy-care uniforms from F&F at Tesco
- Get top marks for Back to School with My Nametags – Ireland’s only antibacterial labels
- Get your little ones Back To School ready with an M&S packed lunch
- Girl power: 5 empowering books your daughter will adore
- Happy reading: Your kids will ADORE this collection of short stories
- Have you spoken to your child about celebrating safely ahead of exam results?
- Helping your struggling reader
- Here are the top books your little one NEEDS to read in February
- How to create the perfect study environment for your child
- How to deal with back-to-school stress
- How to encourage your child to love reading
- How to encourage your children to be happy feeders
- How to support your child’s immune system
- Iceland is offering a school lunch deal for only €1.22 for back to school.
- Ireland’s National School Photography Awards - Winners Announced
- Ireland’s National School Photography Awards launched
- Irish author launches special edition book to raise funds for CMRF Crumlin
- Irish company launch back-to-school antibacterial name labels
- Jennifer Zamparelli jumps in on the fun for Jump Zone's 10th birthday celebrations
- Limerick & Dublin schools scoop top prizes in Woodie’s Budding Gardeners Competition
- Literacy Milestones for 11-12 year olds
- Literacy Milestones for 5 - 6 year olds
- Literacy milestones for 7-8 year olds
- Literacy milestones for 9 -10 year olds
- Mental Health charity urges Leaving Cert students to use its services tomorrow.
- More than just a furry friend: how a dog could help your child's learning
- New children’s book aimed at explaining the Covid-19 pandemic in a child friendly way
- New Summer Camps launched for under 6’s this July and August
- Opinion: your rights as a non-religious parent in Irish schools
- Our 10 favourite classic books for children
- Our favourite children's authors
- Our favourite classic books for children
- Parents asked to be mindful of financial pressures of World Book Day
- People are furious as school bans an award-winning novel from reading list
- Reading and dyslexia
- Reading games
- Reading homework tips for parents
- Reading tips for parents
- Royal bookworms: Prince William shares the bedtime story his kids love
- Safeguarding online environments for young people with Tozi
- School may only just have closed, but Aldi’s School Event kicks off next Thursday!
- will sort your school bag so you can pack your beach bag
- September is coming! 10 tips to encourage your kids to get back into reading after summer
- Showcase your child's team colours with the new range of sports shirt labels from My Nametags.
- Study finds that Irish children have the best reading skills in Europe
- Study shows that having more girls in a classroom improves boys' reading skills
- Success beyond dyslexia
- Support your children's immunity this Autumn with Wellkid from Vitabiotics.
- The 10 most-loved children's books have been revealed
- The 2022 National School Photography Awards are launched!
- The 26th Annual MS READaTHON
- The facts about head lice that you should know about
- The Happy Pear launch 'Fruit Bites' - a delicious new sweet treat
- The inspiring children’s books that need to be on your Christmas shopping list this year
- The No Bulls**t Guide to surviving the (long) summer holidays
- This is how much money Irish children get on their first Holy Communion
- This is why your children LOVE to read the same book over and over again
- This year's Science Week has something to suit all ages and interests
- Top 10 books for boys
- Top 10 books for children aged 5-8
- Top 10 books for girls
- Top 10 books for preschoolers
- Top 10 books for reluctant readers
- Top 10 books for teens
- Top 10 books for tweens
- Top ten Irish children's books
- Top ten movies to encourage a love of reading in your child
- Two new releases from Futa Fata
- ‘Our National Anthem’ a new book designed to teach kids our national anthem - for life.
- 'More time is necessary': Junior Cert student calls for extended English exam
- 'Never mind my 4 year old...Am I ready for big school?'
- 12 new childrens books this Autumn
- 60% of parents are concerned about their child’s immunity going back to school.
- 64% of mums in Ireland miss work due to everyday childhood illnesses
- 7 benefits of reading for children
- An open letter to Teachers on World Teacher's Day
- Are your kids into creative writing? Check out MoLI in the classroom's autumn courses!
- Attention primary schools: Coillte Photography Competition for National Tree Week 2024 open!
- Back to School routine made simple with ATTITUDE little leaves.
- Be more prepared for busy school mornings with advice from THE top professional organisers
- Book review: Darcy Dolphin is a Little Bit Magic! by Sam Watkins
- Book review: The Anti-Boredom Book of Brilliant Outdoor Things To Do by Andy Seed
- Book review: The Seaside Family by Enid Blyton
- Book worms: 8 classics that all children should read before they reach adulthood
- Boxing clever with these easy, (and healthy) school lunches.
- Build-a-box online for Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal
- Celebrities swap day job to become school teachers this November
- Children struggling to hold pens due to excessive touchscreen use
- Childs Farm toiletries brand offer exclusive back to school discount with
- Creative writing stars of the future, we've got the PERFECT competition for you
- Dunnes Stores launches Back to School range with pricing starting from just €3!
- Fuelling success: how to strengthen your kids' health for the school year ahead
- Get ready for a new school year with Søstrene Grene’s back-to-school collection
- Get ready for back to school with great value & easy-care uniforms from F&F at Tesco
- Get top marks for Back to School with My Nametags – Ireland’s only antibacterial labels
- Get your little ones Back To School ready with an M&S packed lunch
- Handwriting milestones for 11-12 year olds
- Handwriting milestones for 5-6 year olds
- Handwriting milestones for 7-8 year olds
- Handwriting milestones for 9-10 year olds
- Have you spoken to your child about celebrating safely ahead of exam results?
- How to create the perfect study environment for your child
- How to deal with back-to-school stress
- How to encourage good handwriting
- How to encourage your children to be happy feeders
- How to support your child’s immune system
- Iceland is offering a school lunch deal for only €1.22 for back to school.
- Ireland’s National School Photography Awards - Winners Announced
- Ireland’s National School Photography Awards launched
- Irish company launch back-to-school antibacterial name labels
- Jennifer Zamparelli jumps in on the fun for Jump Zone's 10th birthday celebrations
- Limerick & Dublin schools scoop top prizes in Woodie’s Budding Gardeners Competition
- Mental Health charity urges Leaving Cert students to use its services tomorrow.
- More than just a furry friend: how a dog could help your child's learning
- New children’s book aimed at explaining the Covid-19 pandemic in a child friendly way
- New Summer Camps launched for under 6’s this July and August
- Opinion: your rights as a non-religious parent in Irish schools
- Our 10 favourite classic books for children
- Safeguarding online environments for young people with Tozi
- School may only just have closed, but Aldi’s School Event kicks off next Thursday!
- will sort your school bag so you can pack your beach bag
- September is coming! 10 tips to encourage your kids to get back into reading after summer
- Showcase your child's team colours with the new range of sports shirt labels from My Nametags.
- Signs of handwriting problems
- Support your children's immunity this Autumn with Wellkid from Vitabiotics.
- Teaching your preschooler a second language: Making it easier on all of you
- The 2022 National School Photography Awards are launched!
- The facts about head lice that you should know about
- The Happy Pear launch 'Fruit Bites' - a delicious new sweet treat
- The inspiring children’s books that need to be on your Christmas shopping list this year
- The No Bulls**t Guide to surviving the (long) summer holidays
- This is how much money Irish children get on their first Holy Communion
- This year's Science Week has something to suit all ages and interests
- ‘Our National Anthem’ a new book designed to teach kids our national anthem - for life.
- 'More time is necessary': Junior Cert student calls for extended English exam
- 'Never mind my 4 year old...Am I ready for big school?'
- 12 new childrens books this Autumn
- 60% of parents are concerned about their child’s immunity going back to school.
- 64% of mums in Ireland miss work due to everyday childhood illnesses
- 7 benefits of reading for children
- An open letter to Teachers on World Teacher's Day
- Are your kids into creative writing? Check out MoLI in the classroom's autumn courses!
- As politics gets nastier, children's books promote empathy
- Attention primary schools: Coillte Photography Competition for National Tree Week 2024 open!
- Back to School routine made simple with ATTITUDE little leaves.
- Be more prepared for busy school mornings with advice from THE top professional organisers
- Book review: Darcy Dolphin is a Little Bit Magic! by Sam Watkins
- Book review: The Anti-Boredom Book of Brilliant Outdoor Things To Do by Andy Seed
- Book review: The Seaside Family by Enid Blyton
- Book worms: 8 classics that all children should read before they reach adulthood
- Boxing clever with these easy, (and healthy) school lunches.
- Build-a-box online for Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal
- Celebrities swap day job to become school teachers this November
- Childs Farm toiletries brand offer exclusive back to school discount with
- Dolsh spelling word list
- Dunnes Stores launches Back to School range with pricing starting from just €3!
- Fuelling success: how to strengthen your kids' health for the school year ahead
- Fun spelling games for kids
- Games to help improve your child’s spelling
- Get ready for a new school year with Søstrene Grene’s back-to-school collection
- Get ready for back to school with great value & easy-care uniforms from F&F at Tesco
- Get top marks for Back to School with My Nametags – Ireland’s only antibacterial labels
- Get your little ones Back To School ready with an M&S packed lunch
- Have you spoken to your child about celebrating safely ahead of exam results?
- How to create the perfect study environment for your child
- How to deal with back-to-school stress
- How to encourage your children to be happy feeders
- How to host a home spelling bee
- How to support your child’s immune system
- Iceland is offering a school lunch deal for only €1.22 for back to school.
- Ireland’s National School Photography Awards - Winners Announced
- Ireland’s National School Photography Awards launched
- Irish company launch back-to-school antibacterial name labels
- Jennifer Zamparelli jumps in on the fun for Jump Zone's 10th birthday celebrations
- Limerick & Dublin schools scoop top prizes in Woodie’s Budding Gardeners Competition
- Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check
- Mental Health charity urges Leaving Cert students to use its services tomorrow.
- More than just a furry friend: how a dog could help your child's learning
- New children’s book aimed at explaining the Covid-19 pandemic in a child friendly way
- New Summer Camps launched for under 6’s this July and August
- Opinion: your rights as a non-religious parent in Irish schools
- Our 10 favourite classic books for children
- Safeguarding online environments for young people with Tozi
- School may only just have closed, but Aldi’s School Event kicks off next Thursday!
- will sort your school bag so you can pack your beach bag
- September is coming! 10 tips to encourage your kids to get back into reading after summer
- Showcase your child's team colours with the new range of sports shirt labels from My Nametags.
- Spelling milestones for 5-6 year olds
- Spelling milestones for 11-12 year olds
- Spelling milestones for 7-8 year olds
- Spelling milestones for 9-10 year olds
- Spelling milestones for nine to 12-year-olds
- Spelling scrambler games
- Support your children's immunity this Autumn with Wellkid from Vitabiotics.
- The 2022 National School Photography Awards are launched!
- The facts about head lice that you should know about
- The Happy Pear launch 'Fruit Bites' - a delicious new sweet treat
- The inspiring children’s books that need to be on your Christmas shopping list this year
- The No Bulls**t Guide to surviving the (long) summer holidays
- This is how much money Irish children get on their first Holy Communion
- This year's Science Week has something to suit all ages and interests
- ‘Our National Anthem’ a new book designed to teach kids our national anthem - for life.
Popular Questions