If you are trying to find an exciting way to help your child learn how to spell and you would like to bring family and friends together for an educational and entertaining time, then why not consider having a home spelling bee?Spelling Bees, while more popular in the United States are growing in popularity and are a really fun way to foster a love of spelling in your child. Spelling bees are competitions in which the contestants are asked to spell words that are suitable for their level.It's important that when holding a home spelling bee you don’t choose words that are too hard. Remember, it’s meant to be fun!Step-by-step spelling bee guidelines:
Gather the contestants
To get the most out of the competition, it’s a good idea to have between eight and ten children, though it will work with more or less participants too.
Make sure that the participants feel comfortable spelling in front of people. If they don’t want to spell, maybe let them read the words to the other contestants. They will also learn this way!
Read clearly and spell carefully
The person reading the question will need to read the word clearly and pronounce it correctly, use it in a sentence and then read the word once more.
So if the word is hospital, the reader would say “Hospital. Nurses and doctors work in a hospital. Hospital"
The contestant should then say the word, spell the word and say the word again.
Move things along
If a contestant spells a word correctly, he remains in the game but if he spells a word incorrectly, he is eliminated and the next contestant must then spell that word correctly and so on.
Competitors will stay in the game so long as they spell their word correctly.
Use a whiteboard to write the words when they are spelled correctly. This will help them to learn all the words in the competition.
Repeat until you have your winner
Keep playing the game until there is only one spelling champion left.
Talk about it
After the spelling bee, talk things over and ask children what was the most difficult and what was easy.

