Christmas is not a happy season for everyone, particularly for those who have lost a loved one, and it can be extremely difficult for children dealing with grief at this time of year. 


While it is entirely up to you, as a mum, to help your little one through it, the following six tips can guide you through one of the most difficult things to have to see your child go through.  


1. Help them acknowledge that the season will be different this year

Let your child know that this Christmas won’t feel the same as all the others, but that’s ok. It is better to acknowledge that fact rather than put pressure on your little one to feel a certain way.


2. Put out a memory stocking

Encourage your kids to write memories of the person they lost, and pop them into the stocking. This will help them remain a part of Christmas, and can be a great way for your child to express themselves.


3. Talk about them

Don’t try to avoid talking about the person no longer with you – it is important your child knows that it is ok to talk about them, particularly at this time of the year.



4. Let your child see you cry

Christmas is portrayed as this extremely happy time for people, but this is certainly not the case in every household. Don’t feel like you have to hide your feelings from your little one, in fact, seeing you cry or upset can help your son or daughter express their own emotions.


5. Make sure they know it’s ok to be excited about Christmas

Grief can be an extremely confusing time for young children, especially at this time of the year. Talk to them about how they feel; let them know that it’s ok to be happy and excited as well as sad that the person they love is no longer with them.


6. Do what works for you as a family

Avoid listening to people who tell you what you should and shouldn’t be doing over the holidays. It is important you listen to yourself and your children and communicate with others about how you want to handle the situation. Only do what feels right for you and your family.


