Your teen’s final year in secondary school can be an exciting and nerve-racking time.
Six years of your teen’s life has been spent in one institution, with one set of rules and one way to do things.
That will all change soon and it’s important that they are ready, however, it is also important that they make the most of this final year, both socially and academically.
Here are some ways you can encourage your teen to make the most of their final year in secondary school:
Get Involved
There will be many things happening this year that your teen can get involved in that can help make their final year memorable.
Many school do a form of yearbook and will always be looking for volunteers to help out.
On top of this, there may be a Debs committee your teen can get involved with that will make their Debs day all that more special knowing they helped out to make it happen.
Keep a diary
Although this year will be hectic and your teen won’t have a lot of free time, it’s good to encourage them to keep a diary.
Not only is this good for writing skills, but it will be nice to have in the future and can help your teen identify emotions and feelings as they write about their day-to-day life.
Get organised early
Although it’s important for your teen to enjoy the social aspects of their final year, it’s also a good idea to get organised for those exams early.
This means notes, good study habits and a neat sleeping pattern. If your teen gets these aspects down early, exam season won’t come as such a shock to the system and will ultimately be easier for them.
While it may seem like their entire year is focused on exams, allow your child to enjoy their extracurricular activities too.
Whether these are musical, creative or other, they can be just as important to your teen once they finish school and go on to their next phase of life.

