You asked

How can I help my child to learn to understand time?

When it comes to time, your three year old probably has a tenuous grasp at best. He or she probably won’t understand the concept of tomorrow, or even this afternoon, and is likely to ask you incessantly whether the time has come for a trip or anything else for that matter. Your child probably understands the concept of sequence – he or she will know whether something happened first or last.

One of the best ways to help your child grasp how time works is to make a chart of what he or she did in a day. Write down what you did in the morning, and what you ate at lunch. Note what time he or she took a nap, and what you’re doing now. Then write down what will happen tonight, when your child baths and goes to bed. Make a note of whatever you will be dong tomorrow too.

The best way to get your child to understand how time works is to refer to it as much as possible in every day life. Refer to time in morning, noon, evening and so on, or use the numerical values if you prefer – although your child won’t grasp them yet.
You can also start teaching your child what the days of the week are, and what weekends are. That way, when you tell him that you’re doing something in particular on a particular day, he or she will understand what you mean.

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A toddler’s playtime is an important aspect of his development. Through play, a child learns about his world and the people in his world. He also learns how to solve problems and overcome challenges both mental and physical.
Preschooler aged children are mostly very active get enough exercise during their normal daily routine.
Two year old children are very active and will usually get all the exercise they need from their normal daily play.
A three year old toddler will love any gift that allows them to use their imagination.
Learning is fun for a four year old. They are full of questions and curious about the world around them. So, take advantage of this time to teach your toddler some fun facts.
A three year old is full of questions and curious about the world around them. So, take advantage of this time to teach your toddler some fun facts.
A two year old is full of questions and curious about the world around them. So, take advantage of this time to teach your toddler some fun facts!

