You asked

What kind of fun facts can I teach my 2 year old?

A two year old is full of questions and curious about the world around them. So, take advantage of this time to teach your toddler some fun facts.

Animal Facts:

•    A bird will sit on their eggs so that they stay warm.
•    A mole digs with their big front teeth.
•    Birds like to sit high up in trees or on poles so that they can look for things to eat.
•    A dog and cat cleans their fur by licking.
•    When a dog licks you, he is giving you a kiss.
•    A cat will purr when it is happy.
•    Butterflies taste their food with their feet.
•    Chickens lay the eggs that we eat.
•    A horse can go to sleep standing up or lying down.
•    Turtles do not have teeth.
•    A rooster is a daddy chicken and a hen is a mommy chicken.

Body Facts:

•    When you go to sleep at night, your body grows.
•    Your eyeballs are actually round balls.
•    A belly button is how a baby is connected to the mommy before being born.
•    The teeth that you are getting now will fall out so that bigger grown-up teeth can grow in.
•    If you stay in the bath for too long, you will have wrinkles on your fingers and toes. After you get dry, the wrinkles will go away.
Food Facts:
•    Carrots and potatoes grow under the ground.
•    Cows make the milk we drink.
•    An apple will float in the water.
•    Cheese comes from cow milk.
•    Chocolate is made from a bean that is found in trees.

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A three year old is full of questions and curious about the world around them. So, take advantage of this time to teach your toddler some fun facts.
A two year old is full of questions and curious about the world around them. So, take advantage of this time to teach your toddler some fun facts!

