You asked

How do I find the right scientific activity for my child?

Different children will have different interests and will therefore respond differently to scientific activities.Collecting rocks may be considered fun by your eight your old but yor six year old may have no interest!
Fortunately, there are lots of fun science activities out there to suit all interests. If your daughter likes to cook, show her how tea changes colour when lemon is added or how vinegar causes milk to curdle.
Here are some tips to help you find a fun activity:
  • Find activities that aren't too hard or easy for your child. If in doubt, err on the easy side, as something that is too difficult could cause him to think that sicence is hard and may turn him off. 
  • Consider your child's personality and the way they act around friends. Some projects are best done alone, others in a group; some require help, others require little or no adult supervision. Working on a a project alone may bore some children while group projects may not appeal to others.
  • Select activities that are suitable for where you live, if you are out the country, star gazing may be a fun activity.
  • Allow your child to help choose the activities. If you don't know whether she would rather collect shells or plant daffodils, ask her. When she picks something she actually wants to do, she will learn more and enjoy the activity a lot more.

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Your child is an individual so it's important to discover the right interests for your child.
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