Being the mum of a toddler can be exhausting and it is very easy to experience parenting fatigue. Dealing with the same thing day in and day out, particularly if your child is a handful, can be overwhelming, but there are ways to stop you reaching full-on burnout.


How to tell if you have parenting fatigue:

  • You are struggling to enjoy the time you spend with your child.
  • You are angry or anxious most of the time.
  • You feel guilty all the time.
  • You are finding it difficult to juggle everything that needs to be done.


1. Utilise your support network

If you are running on empty, call in your support network to give yourself a chance to recuperate. Ask family members or friends to babysit, and, whether it’s for the whole day or just an hour, the time apart from your kids will greatly help you.


2. Focus on the positive

If your little one’s tantrums are proving too much, now is the time to focus in on the positive. Too much negativity will drain you both mentally and physically so move your head to something more positive. Think about good days you’ve had with your child, and cherish the hugs and kisses that they shower you in.



3. Remember what it’s like to enjoy parenting  

Parenting doesn’t have to be about disciplining, ferrying your child around places or mundane things. Take the time to enjoy being a mum so head out of the house, grab a picnic and forget about the chores that need to be done or the daily routine for a few hours.


4. Give yourself a break

You don’t need to be on duty every single minute of the day, but you do need to schedule in some ‘me-time’. Whether it’s a run, a coffee with friends or even ten minutes alone to read your book, try to find time just for you at least every day.


5. Let things get messy

Life is unpredictable and tough and when we strive for nothing but perfection it can be emotionally and physically draining. There is no such thing as perfect parenting nor is there an ideal way for kids to be disciplined or brought up. Every family is different and what might work for you might not work for someone else – as long as you are doing your best then that is all that matters.


