Make time
Even if you are busy with a deadline or housework, it is important you make time in your day for your little one, even if it is for just ten minutes. They don’t understand that you simply can’t play with them right now but by making time to give them a cuddle or having a chat for a few minutes will really make them feel special. A bedtime story takes a maximum of ten minutes so make it something that you do with your little one every evening. Even though it’s only ten minutes, it’s ten minutes of quality time that your son or daughter will cherish.
Talk to them
Ask them about their day and talk about your own. By engaging them in conversation about what you both got up to, your child will feel more connected to you even if you weren’t together for a good portion of the day. You can do this while they are in bed or in the car on the way home in the evening.
Do things together
Doing things like the grocery shopping or domestic chores together can be a great way to spend time with your child. While these may not be as much fun as playing for hours outside, you can make your child feel special by giving them half of the shopping list or giving them the vacuum cleaner. Big kids like to feel grown up and feel special when you acknowledge that they can do things that are considered adult-only.
Explain your situation
If you have a big deadline looming and simply can’t lift your head off the computer, you need to tell your big kid. You will be surprised at how much they will understand and simply telling them “no I can’t play with you right now” will leave them feeling rejected. If possible, arrange something to do together when you have a little more time. This will give your youngster something to look forward to.
Tell your child that you love them and let them know that even though you can’t spend much time with them now you still love them.