Arguing with our kids is not particularly nice, but it is definitely something that we have all been through with our little ones at least once or twice. And while it is a natural part of growing up, it can be a little frustrating when you and your youngster are constantly bickering with each other.


Thankfully, there are a few things you can do to stop the arguing and enjoy a happy, peaceful home instead.


Don’t rise to the challenge

Kids love to argue, usually because they can’t understand why their idea is not loved by everyone else. However, it is important you don’t rise to the challenge – if you don’t argue back then the argument becomes one sided and of no use.


Look at yourself

Your child learns more by what you do than by what you say, so you need to make a stand about how you want to handle situations. If you are constantly arguing with your other half, blowing things out of proportion or yelling when things don’t go your way, then your child will learn that it is ok to behave like this.


Teach them to control their emotions 

Arguments can stem from your child’s inability to control their emotions, so it is important you teach your child how to. Anything from breathing in slowly, to counting to ten are all good options but you can choose something that is more suitable to your child. It doesn’t really matter how they control their emotions but that they learn to do so.


Stop telling them what to do

It can be frustrating being told what to do every single minute of the day, so try to not manage the minute details and let your child think for themselves. Rather than saying, 'hurry up and get dressed', say something along the lines of 'how quick do you think you can get dressed?' or 'mummy is going to get ready - who do you think will be ready first, me or you?' Rather than micro managing your child, give them the opportunity to think for themselves.


Give a reason why

It can be hard for your child to understand why they need to come in when playing or why they can’t watch a TV show any more, so explain to them the reason why. It’s easy to argue when you simply say 'because I’m in charge', but when you say ‘because you have to get up early in the morning’ or 'because it’s getting dark and it’s too dangerous to be outside', it is harder for your child to challenge your authority.


Arguments won't completely stop altogether, they are a part of growing up, but if you can cut them down to one or two a week you and your child will reap the rewards.


