Little Vasilina was born without arms but that didn't stop the youngster from figuring out how she could feed herself - with her FEET!


Vasilina's mum Elmira Knutzen took to Facebook to share the inspirational video of her daughter as she figured out how to lift a fork with her feet, much to her mother's delight. 



In the clip, Vasilina, who is from Russia, is seen struggling at first as tries to open her mouth wide enough to fit in her dinner - sadly, the fork was just that little bit too far for her to be able to munch on what looks like a piece of potato.  


However, not admitting defeat, the little girl changes the position of the fork between her toes and successfully gets the food in to her mouth! 


Such an amazing achievement - Vasilina proves that perseverance definitely pays off! 



SHARE this incredible video! 

