Maddie Stevens missed out on the outing to a fast food restaurant with pals as only pupils with 100% attendance records were invited.
Mum Gail, 48, died in January after a two-year battle with breast cancer and her daughter took the day off to be at the funeral.
Maddie’s dad Andy is furious with St Giles’ Junior School, Warwichshire in the UK, and said teachers still refuse to apologise even after being told the reason behind her absence.
Andy said, “It’s so insensitive after everything Maddie has been through.
“She has been absolutely amazing since her mum died. She took only one day off to go to the funeral, because we wanted to keep things as normal as we could.
“Then she gets this kick in the face. Her school should be celebrating what she has achieved. Instead she’s been punished for going to her mum’s funeral. It’s a big moment leaving junior school.”
Maddie said, “It made me feel sad not to go – it would have been a nice treat. Helping my mum for the past two years has been hard.”
A spokesperson at the school said, “Following concerns raised, the rewarding of pupils for 100% attendance has been withdrawn.”