Toddlers get so many toys at Christmas that they can struggle to appreciate them or even find the time to play with everything. This year, instead of adding more toys to their collection, why not give them something a little different instead.
Here are seven non-toy gift ideas you can give to toddlers.
Tickets to a kid-friendly show
While they won’t necessarily understand what a ticket is, when all the fuss of Christmas has died down, they will have a show to look forward to. Why not choose one with their favourite character in it to make it extra special.
Baking utensils and ingredients
Most toddlers love baking so why not buy them their very own kitchen tools. Items like cookie cutters, rolling pins, aprons and chef hats are always welcomed and even ingredients like flour and sugar will help them get excited about the prospect of making something.
Arts and crafts
Arts and crafts are a great way for young kids to express themselves, and they are definitely the one gift that keeps on giving. You don’t need to spend a fortune either, simply make up a hamper containing stickers, paper, colours, PVC glue and craft items.
Dress up outfits
Stimulate your child’s imagination by picking them up a fancy dress costume from their favourite movie or TV show and watch them have endless make believe fun.
Books are one of the best gifts that you can give a child, and with so many to choose from you’ll be spoilt for choice. Picture books, touch-and-feel board books and ones that make noise are perfect for little kids.
Toddlers grow out of clothes really quickly so why not buy them t-shirts, trousers, dresses or even tights. While they are likely to find them a little unexciting compared to a toy, it’s really the unwrapping part that they love.
Jigsaws are great during the winter months, especially when kids have to spend most of the season inside; they are also great for stimulating and challenging your child’s brain. Head to your local toy shop and pick up a bright, child-friendly, chunky one for young kids.