There is nothing more trying than being the mother of a child who simply refuses to eat anything you make for them. And just like most common things, a number of myths surround the idea of a picky eater that need to be busted.
It’s the parent’s fault
Many mums can blame themselves often believing they didn’t introduce enough new foods when their little one was younger. But it is important to remember that you are not to blame and a child can simply become selective with food as they grow.
They will grow out of it
While most kids can grow out of their fussiness or their fear of new food, not all do and it can remain with them even when they reach adulthood. This will obviously have repercussions later in life as they won’t get their nutritional requirements.
If they refuse it once don’t give it to them again
We admit it can be frustrating making food for your child and then having them refuse to eat it. However, it can take up to 15 tries/ tastes before your youngster will willingly eat it.
They are just being difficult
It is important you understand that your youngster is not simply being difficult. Genetics can play a part in how they approach food or if they had a bad experience like acid reflux every time they ate certain items cna make them feel wary about trying something new.
What can you do:
The best thing you can do is gradually introduce new foods always serving one thing that you know they will eat. Even if they refuse it one day don’t stop serving it. It can take time for your little one to feel ready to tackle new foods but gently and regularly dish it up can help them feel comfortable with it.
Finally, don’t force them to eat it as this will cause them to become anxious about new foods and uncomfortable about trying it.