Potty training a child can be stressful and frustrating, for both you and them.


The two biggest mistakes we make are starting them too early and putting too much pressure on them.


So, we’ve put together a list of our top tips for success to make the process a little easier.


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1. Potty or toilet?

When it comes to making this decision, listen to your child and go with your instinct.


If you go with a potty, you can make it an event and even take them shopping to pick out one they like. This will hopefully get them excited about using it.


Starting them on the toilet can make things a lot easier for you in the long run. Buying a little step and support for the seat can make them feel a lot more comfortable.


2. Sing their praises

You don’t have to reward them with a brand new toy every time, but words of praise and maybe a little sweet treat would help keep their spirits high and motivate them.


Make sure to brush off and accidents as no big deal, it will only cause upset, and make the whole idea of going to the toilet more stressful for them.


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3. Read the signals

It can be pretty easy to see when they need to go to the bathroom. It’s important to then read those signals and respond quickly.


Get them to the bathroom and sit them down, it will encourage them to be aware of these signs and react to them themselves.


Eventually, they will get sick of sitting and waiting for something to happen and will tell you when it is time to go to the potty.


4. Night-time training

While many parents decide to train their little ones to use the potty during the day and at night simultaniously, some prefer to establish routines for the daytime first before worrying about late night training.


Either way, we recommend cutting down on their fluid intake from late in the afternoon, and investing in bedwetting sheets for any accidents that may happen overnight.


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5. Make it fun

It’s important to make the bathroom feel like a safe place for them. Play games, sing songs or read books to make them feel more comfortable.


We’ve bought books just for potty time to encourage our little ones to stay on the potty and read with us.


Anything you can do to make the bathroom a place they want to stay in until the job is done is a good thing.


6. Know when to take a break

If after a few weeks, they’re still not getting the hang of the whole thing, don’t be afraid to take a break.


It’s possible they’re just not ready yet, and pushing it is only going to cause more frustration for you both.


Take some time off and try again in a few months.


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