Pushing the friendship: This mums school run problem is so relatable

Doing the school run can cause a minefield of issues.

One Mumsnet user brought to light how favours soon become regular and that can cause problems.

This mum wrote about how another mum she knew from the school gates had begun to ask her to drop her son home from school and that it had quickly become a daily occurrence.

The user explained how the mum had excuses for asking her to do this at the beginning, like a meeting she couldn't move - but then it became a habit.

She wrote, ''Lately she is asking me pretty much every day and for reasons like "Can you pick him up so I can finish early" or just asking me to pick him up without even giving a reason.''

As us mums know, these situation are tricky to handle because you are more than likely friends with other mums who are asking you for favours like this.

The mum continued, ''I feel like she is pushing the friendship by asking almost every day just because it's convenient for her not to have to do it. Over the past two weeks I've started making up excuses to get out of it.''

Plus, the other mum never returns the favour - she always expects her son to be dropped home and that's that.

The mum asked other Mumsnet users if she was being unreasonable for not wanting to do this anymore and the response thread was interesting.

Many of the users agreed that it was unfair of the mum to expect her son to be dropped home every day.

One suggested that the mum could say she has plans after school.

They said, ''Just say you are going somewhere straight after school with your son and won't be able to pick up her son as you are not going that way...and then when she protests say maybe another school mum can pick him up for her or her nanny...don't give in to her or you will never break free from this school run nightmare she has trapped you in.''

Another made the point that she could straight out ask for a new arrangement.

They wrote, ''If you want her to do pick up reciprocally you'll have to ask "I'll pick your Alfie up today, if you pick my Oliver up tomorrow" as she's clearly not twigged that it is an inconvenience and probably thinks that as you're going anyway you won't be inconvenienced.''

Another user was a bit more blunt in their response when they wrote, ''She's only friendly with you for the free school run - you do know that don't you?''

What do you think - is she being used or is it a fair favour to ask?

