The Minister for Education has revealed that schools must consult with both parents and pupils regarding smartphone usage in schools.

It is understood that if The Parent and Student Charter Bill is passed, schools must speak to parents about issues including school performance, school costs and complaint procedures.


Richard Bruton will send a circular to all schools informing them that smartphones are an item that must be discussed with parents and pupils.


Teachers will speak to parents and pupils about whether or not smartphones should be used in schools, and if children benefit from having the devices in the class.


Together they will set regulations about using smartphones and tablets in schools. One issue they will focus on is whether there should be an age restriction applied to younger pupils.


A recent study found that teachers believe smartphones are the main cause of disruptions in schools.


Teachers who took part in a survey explained that the smartphones are causing major issues in the classroom and said that classroom discipline is worse it’s been since 2013.



Luke Saunders, who is the founder of Studyclix stated, “Students having smartphones in their pockets is the biggest challenge that teachers face in today’s classroom. The fact that 43 percent of teachers reported classroom discipline being worse than it was five years ago is likely largely down to the conflict that phone use has created.”

The staff stated that the smartphones are a hindrance as they are distracting students from their lessons. Up to 60 percent of teachers agreed that they need to ban smartphones for the sake of children’s education.


Do you think smartphones should be banned from schools?

