You asked

Should I let my 3-year old help out with chores around the house?

Because of your child's enthusiasm for helping and learning at this stage, you should make the most of their willingness to help as you can. Your child spends time observing all the things you do, such as preparing and cooking food and doing laundry. While using the stove and slicing up ingredients is not possible for little children, you can allow your child to do simple tasks, such as rinsing fresh ingredients, or sorting out dark clothing from light clothing for washing.

Teach your child to carry out basic chores that are not too difficult to master, or too dangerous to try alone. Tidying up around the house and keeping their own room neat, will encourage orderly thinking and responsibility for the future. Do not expect your child to do everything perfectly, many of the tasks can be a combined effort, such as making the bed properly.

Help make your child's chores easier by using pictures to label toy and clothing drawers, shelves and boxes. Assigning simple chores to your child that save you a bit of effort, will give your child a feeling of pride and accomplishment by being useful to the household. To make the tasks more enjoyable and feel less like work, play music or a song that is appropriate to the activities your child is involved in.

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