Sometimes asking your little one to write a thank you note is more work than you’d like, and yet it is an important part of gift-receiving. It teaches your child to be grateful which will benefit them in the future and shows their appreciation.


However, thank you cards or notes shouldn’t feel like a big chore for your child to do, they’ll end up less thankful and more thankless if done half-heartedly - it should be something your child wants to do.


The following five tips will ensure your child is a little more enthusiastic about the whole thing: 


1. Make it fun

Don’t ask your child to write it as you are going out the door or when you are in a hurry, they won’t enjoy the process and will be less than enthusiastic about doing it. Instead plan time specifically in the day, give them a snack and plenty of pens and paper. They will enjoy it then and be able to pour their heart into it.


2. Don’t make it about gift giving or receiving

Get your little one into the habit of writing thank you notes so it becomes almost second nature to them. And while it is important to say thank you after a gift, encourage your child to do one after a play date or when someone does something nice for them.


3. Give them a special pen

Allocate a special pen for writing thank you notes, making sure to use one that your little one likes or has chosen, and only allow them to use it when showing their appreciation for something. 




4. Make sure they know why they are doing it

Make sure your youngster knows why they are writing a thank you note: talk about how nice the other person was for giving them something or taking them somewhere, and explain that a thank you card shows that you appreciate the other person.


5. Make it a habit for yourself

Make sure you get in to the habit of writing thank you notes yourself so your child can see you doing it. Actions often speak louder than words so make sure your little one sees you doing it. 


