The assignment, which can be seen below, was apparently part of a war and peace section in the curriculum, and the two leaders were chosen for comparison as “both men abused their powers”.
The school has apologised for the assignment after receiving complaints about the teacher’s “lack of respect for the office of the president”:
“This week, a DCPS teacher created a worksheet to assign as homework which asked students to compare and contrast President George W. Bush and Adolf Hitler, after reading two texts. No DCPS curriculum materials suggest in any way that teachers should compare the texts in this manner or compare Hitler to any other individual. One text, "Fighting Hitler -- A Holocaust Story" is part of the current suggested materials. The text about President Bush is not suggested as part of the current year's curriculum, but was included last year in a separate unit. The teacher deeply regrets this mistake, and any suggestion to malign the presidency or make any comparison in this egregious way.”