Nowadays kids’ lives are extremely busy, and they need to be able to balance school with their extracurricular activities. In our quest to have our children involved in as many activities as possible, we can sometimes overload their schedule, but these five tips should help them and you balance things a bit better. 


Prioritise the most important activities

Make sure you prioritise the most important activities, putting school and homework at the top of their list. Ensure they can comfortably do their school work and assignments without having to rush through them to get to an activity - school is the most important thing right now, so make sure you prioritise it.


Choose what they like

Choose activities that your child likes so that going to them won’t feel like a chore for your little one. Regularly attending something that your son or daughter doesn’t like will simply stress them out creating a bad ripple effect.


Write up a weekly calendar of activities

Get a really big calendar and mark in what activities they have and where. This way you can get everything organised at the weekend for the rest of the week. Write down assignments, tests and exams that will be happening that week/month so that they can be prepared and work things around it.


Factor in chill time

It is important your child has plenty of time to relax and hang out with their friends. This type of activity is just as important as taking part in sports or music in terms of their social development. It will give their day more substance and if they have a little time to hang out with friends they will be more willing to attend extracurricular activities.


Drop something if it’s too much

If it is all getting to much for your child and their school work is starting to suffer it is time to take action. Extracurricular activities are a great way to help develop and expand your child’s mind but when grades slip or they are coming home exhausted, it’s time to drop a few things.

