Every child is different and we know that some of our mums find it hard to get two words out of their kids while others can’t get them to stop talking! Whichever category your little one falls into, it’s important that you keep the lines of communication open.Communicating effectively with your child means that she is more likely to come to with a problem and more likely to be a happy well-rounded individual.Here are some of our top tips on how to get your child talking and how to effectively listen to what he is saying:
  • Set aside time to talk and listen to your child
  • Always listen to your child if they come to you with a problem or need to talk.
  • Be available to talk about all kinds of feelings, including feelings of anger, fear and anxiety.
  • Demonstrate that you are interested by saying such things as, ‘Really?', ‘How did that make you feel?’ Ask children what they feel about the things they’re telling you about. 
  • Avoid criticism and blame. If you’re angry about something your children have done,  try and explain why you are upset and why you don’t want them to do it again. Appeal to their sense of empathy.
  • Be honest with each other.
  • Watch your child’s facial expression and body language. Listening isn’t just about hearing what someone is saying, it’s also about trying to understand what feeling is motivating those words.
  • Always let your child finish what they are saying before you respond. Don’t cut in or put words in your child’s mouth. 

