For some children spelling can be as easy as saying the ABCs, but for others it can be a little more difficult. Struggling to write or recognise certain words can be really frustrating and even more so when there is one particular word that always trips them up.


One of the most effective ways of learning something new is by doing an action that helps you remember it. When it comes to spelling there are a number of games that you can play with your child to make the learning process fun.


Word scramble

By playing this game your child will learn to unscramble words or to pick out a word within a mix of letters. To play simply think of a word and write it down on a piece of paper, mixing up the letters so that it is not immediately apparent what the word is. Get your little one to try to unscramble the letters and find the word. Start off with easy ones first, gradually moving on to harder and longer words.


Fridge magnets

Kids love nothing more than playing with the magnets on the fridge so use this to their advantage. Every day, give your little one a word that they have to spell using the magnets. Leave the word there for the day so that every time they see it it will become firmly engrained in their memory.


Make up a rap or rhyme

This is actually really fun and doesn’t just have to be a way to help remember spelling, it can be adapted to pretty much anything else that you need to remember. Simply give your child a word – try to choose one that they are really struggling to spell – and have them make up a rap/rhyme  about it.


Balloon pop

Write down a word on a piece of paper and cut out the letters. Place each letter inside a balloon before blowing it up. Your child then needs to burst a balloon and try to guess the word before all balloons are popped. 

