You asked

Why is it important for my child to learn maths?

Math skills are inecessary for a child to be successful, both at school and in everyday life. Understanding maths also builds confidence and opens the day to a range of career options.
In our everyday lives, understanding maths also helps us to:
Manage time and money, and handle everyday situations that involve numbers (for example, calculate how much time we need to get to work, how much food we need in order to feed our families, and how much money that food will cost)
Understand patterns in the world around us and make predictions based on patterns
Solve problems and make good decisions
Explain how we solved a problem and why we made a particular decision
Use technology (for example, calculators and computers) to help solve problems.

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Understanding maths can be tricky for many children which is why they need all the help they can get.
Your child is an individual so it's important to discover the right interests for your child.
There are lots of things that you as a parent can do to help your child learn about science.
Besides the fact that your child will need maths right up until he leaves secondary school, he will also need it to get through life.
Making maths part of your everyday life can help your child develop a love for maths.
Geometry is necessary for so many different occupations so it's important to give your child a good understanding of the basics.
Measurements are used to determine height, length, time and money so it's important your little one gets lots of practice.
Numbers are used to describe quantities, to count and to add, subtract and multiply. 
Children learn maths through activities that encourage them to explore, solve problems and think about what they are exploring.
There are lots of things that you as a parent can do to help your child understand math.

